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  经董事会批准,ATA宣布向2012年8月20日收市时持有流通股股票之股东派发US$0.087 / common share(普通股),即US$0.174 / ADS(美国存托凭证)的特别现金分红。此次特别现金分红的金额总计约为400万美元,分红派发日预计大概为2012年9月20日。ATA存托银行 - 美国花旗银行将在派发分红时向每个美国存托凭证持有人收取US$0.02 / ADS(美国存托凭证)的手续费。
1 ADS(美国存托凭证)= 2 common share(普通股)



Special Cash Dividend

The Board of Directors approved and declared a special cash dividend of US$0.087 per common share, or US$0.174 per ADS, on its outstanding shares to shareholders of record as of the close of trading on August 20, 2012.  The total amount of cash to be distributed as part of the special dividend is expected to be approximately US<.0 million.  The dividend will be paid on or around September 20, 2012. The depository, Citibank, N.A., will charge a fee of US$0.02 per ADS to ADS holders upon payment of the dividend. 


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